Center for the Advancement of Nonviolence

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Mailing Address:
1223 Wilshire Blvd., #472
Santa Monica, CA 90403

Phone: (310) 390-7278


Mission Statement

Our mission is to heal, empower and revitalize our lives through the practice of nonviolence as a way of life. Through education, inspiration and cooperative action, we create a society that honors the dignity and worth of every human being. We believe that each person can move the world in the direction of peace through their daily nonviolent choice and action.

Who We Are

Welcome to Common Peace, Center for the Advancement of Nonviolence. Our focus is "nonviolence education" - educating the public about the power of nonviolence as a pro-active expression of participation and change in the world.

How We Do It

We offer nonviolence education tools to the public in the form of a nonviolence school curriculum entitled "64 Ways to Practice Nonviolence" as well as community healing forums, adult and children nonviolence trainings, animation workshops, and compassionate listening workshops that educate individuals and groups in the use and power of "nonviolence" as a daily practice and way of life that heals individuals, families and communities. Common Peace shares the vision of nonviolence as the global standard for resolving conflict.


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